

What is the advantage of using embedded oven?2021-08-10T16:08:22+04:30
  • High temperature in comparison to other kitchen ovens
  • Easy cleaning
  • Having automatic cleaning option through increasing oven temperature
  • Precise control and monitor oven temperature when in use
  • Easily accessible due to being placed in a proper height
  • Luxurious and stylish appearance and creating an attractive and modern appearance for the kitchen
  • Non-occupancy of excessive space due to being embedded into the wall or cabinet
  • Homogenous and full cooking of foodstuffs
  • Increasing cooking capacity
  • Temperature control and cooking menu options through digital and touch screens
What are the important points when choosing embedded oven?2021-08-10T16:08:59+04:30
  • Defrost option to ease kitchen affairs
  • Existence of heating elements and grill at the upper part of the oven
  • Body size
  • Considering internal capacity of oven in liters
  • Body material and internal insulation of the oven
  • Cooling fan to keep cool the surrounding area of the oven
  • Timer with cooking program installation option
  • Oven automatic shutdown option after completion of cooking
  • Grill
  • Oven levels and partitions may be dissembled and taken out for washing purposes
  • Considering number of levels of oven
  • Child lock
  • Oven consumable energy type (CNG, electricity, or a combination of both)
  • Valid guarantee and after-sale services
  • Highly reliable oven door against high heat
  • Oven size and capacity; method to reduce energy consumption in electrical ovens
How much energy do electrical ovens consume?2021-09-07T13:57:45+04:30

Electrical ovens, notwithstanding their brands, are of a variety of energy class indicating how much energy they consume. The best energy consumption levels are A+++, A++ and A+, respectively. Therefore, paying attention to energy consumption level is one of the most important factors when choosing electrical ovens. Electrical ovens often have powers between 1500 to 2500 W. The device electricity consumption depends on thermostat setting of the temperature set by the user, the oven size and capacity. Methods to reduce energy consumption in electrical ovens:
You may cook and make ready more food every time you use the oven.
Avoid opening/closing oven door when cooking, as significant heat is dissipated each time you open the oven door.
Defrost the foodstuff in kitchen area before putting them into the oven to minimize their cooking time.
Use Pyrex (borosilicate glass) and ceramic containers to cook food in oven, as they need less heat for cooking.


Which hood models are suitable for your kitchen?2021-08-10T16:11:44+04:30

Choosing a hood suitable for your kitchen and stove is considered as an important and vital matter. Today, hoods are available in the market in a variety of types and brands, e.g. island hood, chimney hood, diagonal hood and embedded hood, each having their own advantages and disadvantages. This high variability confuses customers to make their choice. However, the main point to consider when trying to choose a suitable hood is paying attention to kitchen decoration type and cabinet sizes; e.g. smaller hoods shall be chosen for smaller kitchens to suit your kitchen decoration.

What is the use of carbon filter and in which models such filter is installed?2021-09-07T13:58:57+04:30

Carbon filter is one of the hood filters which may have a major role in air filtration, absorbing unwanted air odors, oils and particles. This type of filter is available in the market in two circular and square forms. The most important application of carbon filter is for kitchens with tiny space, which lack chimney. Carbon filter may be installed on a variety of smart hoods. However, it cannot be washed like fiber filters and must be replaced once every two years.


It is important if the microwave consumes high power?2021-08-10T16:14:08+04:30

Microwave consumed power is interpreted as microwave power for food warming and cooking. Microwaves consumed power (in W) depends on their size and volume. Smaller microwaves have less power consumptions, while the bigger microwaves have more power. The important point is that the higher consumed power (in W) of your microwave, the shorter cooking time is. However, pay attention that more power means more electricity consumption.

How is convection option performance in cooking food?2021-08-10T16:14:30+04:30

Convection option is a new technology which has been added to microwave programs menu during recent years. Convection performance is in a way that it homogenously distributes heat energy to enable more homogenous and faster cooking of foodstuffs and lets the bigger sized foodstuffs, e.g. cakes, are well-cooked, without being grilled or dried during cooking process. Furthermore, foodstuffs nutrients and freshness are preserved.


Glass or steel desktop gas stove, which one is better?2021-08-10T16:17:12+04:30

Using desktop gas stoves is more common these days considering smaller kitchen areas and limited space availability. This type of stoves both occupy less space and bring a beautiful and luxurious appearance for the kitchen. Desktop gas stoves are often made of glass, steel and/or a combination of both, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. It may not be said which one is better precisely. Choosing between these two is usually made based on taste and needs of the customer.

Glass desktop gas stove has a high strength and anti-shock ability. It has a quite luxurious appearance. It is cleaned easily using a piece of moisturized cloth. However, it is stained quite fast.

Steel desktop gas stove is of high durability. Dust and oil stains become visible later due to being steel. Therefore, it has no need to be cleaned permanently and on a daily basis. However, cleaning steel desktop gas stove in comparison to glass desktop gas stove is more time-consuming and harder. This type of gas stove is suitable for bigger families.

What points you must consider when choosing stove?2021-08-10T16:12:56+04:30

Stove is one of the most used and important appliances and components of any kitchen. Stove is a relatively expensive device and is used for several years. Therefore, we should be extremely careful when choosing a stove. The important points to choose stove include the following:

  • Number and sizes of stove burner: The more stove burners, the more efficient the stove is. However, it occupies a larger space due to its bigger size.
  • Plates on burners: these plates are often of cast iron and disperse the heat homogenously
  • Lighter: evidently, the stoves with separate lighter for each burner are better choice, as the lighter will be less depreciated
  • Thermocouple: thermocouple is one of the most important parts of stove which improves stove safety level and cuts the gas flow when the burner is off for any reason.
  • Child lock: having child lock is one of the features to improve stove safety. By activating it, the child cannot lit on/off the burner.
  • Warmer drawer: The ready food may be kept warm in this drawer before you have it.

Warming Drawer

Where Warming drawer may be installed?2021-09-07T14:30:20+04:30

Warming drawer is installed into cabinet in embedded form and occupies quite limited space. Warming drawer may be purchased from the market in a variety of forms and sizes considering the customer needs. Warming drawer will be a quite suitable choice for modern today’s kitchens.

What are the applications of warming drawer?2021-09-07T14:29:29+04:30

Warming drawer is a device dedicated to keep warm the ready food before it is served. If you have a warming drawer at your kitchen, you may keep the food under proper temperature till your other family members and guests come. The warming drawer is one of the luxurious kitchen appliances which has a variety of applications. For instance, you may serve a certain type of food in different meals without any need for reheating the food which destroys nutrients. Furthermore, it has other functions such as heating containers, mild cooking, paste fermentation, defrosting, and keeping beverages warm.


Are the products’ prices given in the website updated?2021-08-10T16:35:36+04:30

Yes, the prices are regularly controlled and updated in the website.

What should I do if the delivered item was in contradiction to what I saw in the website?2021-08-10T16:36:50+04:30

Contact our online sales department through number (+98 21) 2708 to learn more about procedure and conditions of replacement.

How long should I wait till it take delivery since I registered my order?2021-08-10T16:38:40+04:30

The time you will receive your order varies depending on certain factors such as location and method of delivery. Contact Master Plus online sales department through number (+98 21) 2708 for further details.

Can I make payment at the location of delivery?2021-08-10T16:39:50+04:30

No, cash payment at the location of delivery is not possible at the moment.

Can I register my order through telephone calls?2021-08-10T16:40:57+04:30

No, you should register your order online to expedite the order processing and sending as well as decreasing the risk of errors when registering orders.

After registering my order, should I call online sales department to ensure that my order is processed?2021-08-10T16:41:55+04:30

No, you will be informed automatically through SMS or email services concerning the process of your order processing after completion of purchase and order registering procedure and Master Plus online sales staff will contact you, if required.

Can I cancel or change my order?2021-08-10T16:42:44+04:30

You may remove your order from your shop cart or adjust it before final confirmation of the order and clicking “Shop Completion” icon.

Can I order out of stock items?2021-08-10T16:43:48+04:30

No, for the time being only those items identified in stock and priced in the website may be ordered.

How may I learn about the status of the order I have registered?2021-08-10T16:44:36+04:30

Master Plus informs you on your order status through sending SMS stage by stage. Furthermore, in order to learn about the order status, you may log into your user account and click “my order” option to learn about your order status.

Can I register my order at any time during day/night?2021-08-10T16:45:14+04:30

You may register your order on a 24/7 basis.

Can I edit my user details and email address?2021-08-10T16:46:53+04:30

Yes, you can edit your user details. In order to do so, first of all you should log into your user account entering your contact number and passcode, then clicking “my profile” option. You will be transported to a page where “edit details” is possible under “user details” part.

Do I have to be a member of website to make online purchases?2021-08-10T16:47:33+04:30

Yes, you may add any items to your shop cart without logging into the website. However, in order to do further steps for purchasing and order registering, you should log into your user account in the website and/or complete your membership upon making your purchase.

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